PURPOSE - Water Gift To Life


Our DROPS Impact Report highlights and shares an array of life-saving stories, data and humanitarian achievements that we passionately support around the world.  The WaterCrystal implements sustainable Water tools and strategies alongside that of our official partner charities/NGO's; in order to positively impact both that of the People and the Planet.  


DROPS Strategy
Our DROPS Strategy encompasses the Five Focus Elements that are in great need of our time and attention. Each area is monitored in-house via our DROPS Impact Department. 
Transforming Our World - requires Planning, Partnerships & Action. The WaterCrystal focuses on nurturing, solving and positively impacting at least 8 of the most paramount issues that are taking shape in ‘Our World’ today.

Delivering Fresh & Safe Water Solutions Worldwide

Rainforest Protection

Ocean Protection

Planting Fruit and Vegetable, Trees and Flower Gardens

Sustainable & Innovative Water Initiatives

DROPS Impact Reporting is at the heart of our mission as Global Water & Nature Ambassadors and we strive to develop new systems and processes that provide transparency, clear goals and targets for the future.


Even in the developed societies Water challenges still remain current issues which we all need to pay close attention to. How do we design a world based on a sustainable Water future that supports life as a whole?’
-The WaterCrystal -




 Production Process Statement 

All stages of the Bilauri Deluxe crafting process work inline with sustainable and ethical production standards and practices. 93% of all materials used within The WaterCrystal, from the glass to the luxury packaging is recycled and recyclable materials.  The core purpose is to actively encourage these methods, there by continuously reusing in order to support the mission towards our better tomorrow.

The production process offsets its carbon emissions by way of the DROPS Strategy and more information on this is provided in our 1/4 Impact Footprint Reports.